The Department of Louise
Compliments and Spankings, Free of Charge
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
Our Top Story Tonight...
There is lots of news my local news stations can cover in their 22 minutes minus sports minus weather. National news, world news, local news; war, the economy, even entertainment. So why is one of my local stations teasing this story: "How do you get to heaven?"
I give up. Really.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
OJ may have thought it was about OJ...

...but it was always All About Judith.
All the proof anyone will need is the inevitable exclusive interview that someone will get with Judith, and -- I'm guessing -- Judith's book about the whole sorry affair (under the guise of what she says is her own abuse history).
The whole lot of 'em should go back to the putrid slime in the fetid puddle under the rock they crawled out from.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Friday, November 10, 2006
Good. We need to police ourselves.

Cheers to the TPMmuckraker folks who are already on the case of potential corruption in the Democratic Leadership ranks. I can't speak for anyone else, but I didn't vote Dem just so they could be the ones to dip into the till.
They all want in on the grooming.

Look who was front and just off center today at the Dem's announcement about open and honest government. If hard work and long service to the cause counted for anything, my boyfriend, Henry Waxman (whose shiny pate is just visible) would be up there, but instead it's Our Future Savior, Barak Obama.
Don't get me wrong, I'm still a big fan. It's just amusing to see how quickly he's become part of the "face" of the party. They know a good thing when they see it, and they want to stand next to it.
Also, note the more senior black congressman on the right. Don't you love the look he's giving The Youngster?
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
It's all incestuous, but I guess it could be worse.

Ok, Rumsfeld out, Gates (circa PapaBush) in. Gotta be better, right? He's not going to sell arms to the insurgents, right? (No need -- we're givin' 'em away!)
Inspiring...and heartbreaking.

Wow. What a photograph. (No not the icon. The one at the link!)
Let's remember we demanded this change, in large part, for them.
Do it right.

The Democratic leadership puts representation from both parties in conference.
The Democratic leadership has a functioning, effective ethics investigation process.
The Democratic leadership does not hold votes open in violation of rules.
The Democratic leadership puts fiscal responsibility ahead of pork.
Every one of these statements had better turn out to be true. We must be different than our predecessors.
Secretary Lieberman

And then we'll just see what Hillary and Chuck and Harry say about that.